Meade Natural Heritage Association

Meade Natural Heritage Association (MNHA) partners with the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to provide the public with high-quality outdoor recreational experiences at the Patuxent Research Refuge (PRR).  MNHA manages hunting activities on the PRR to assist with the management of wildlife in accordance with the PRR Hunting Plan. Our unique partnership increases and improves hunting access and opportunities with an emphasis on under-represented groups including women, minority, youth, disabled, and veteran hunters.

Para obtener información sobre Cazando en US Fish and Wildlife Service Patuxent Research Refuge  por favor haga clic aquí.

Latest News

The Spring Turkey Lottery Hunt has been drawn.  See Turkey Lottery Hunt for the list of selected permits.

Next MNHA Member Meeting is 4/8 at 6:30PM at the HCS. 

Next MNHA Member Range Day is 4/26 - see Membership Range Days for information.

Hunting is closed until Spring Turkey.  

Wood Duck Boxes. MNHA coordinated with Maryland Ducks Unlimited (Donor) and the Maryland Wood Duck Initiative to acquire, build, and install 5 more duck boxes.  These boxes complement the 15 duck boxes donated in 2024 by a private donor).  On Saturday, volunteers installed the new boxes and did maintenance on the existing boxes.   More pictures are on our Facebook page.  

Thank you volunteers and partners.

Congratulations to Lauren Wakefield, an HCS Manager alum! Lauren is a speaker at the Southeast Deer Study Group conference this weekend and presented “Problems in Managing CWD.”  Lauren is pursuing her master’s degree at Auburn University’s College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment.  

TEMPORARY HCS PHONE NUMBER  301-328-1518.  We have a temporary number while we correct our telephone service problems.  This number can also recieve text messages.  Please use this number until further notice.  

2025 Range Dates Posted.  Please see Membership Range Days for details.


We want your help to maintain and improve the refuge hunting habitat. Our monthly maintenance days are great opportunities to give back to the PRR and the MNHA hunting community and  meet fellow hunters.  Read more on the Volunteer Opportunities page or contact us at

Please close ALL gates!  So long as the metal or wooden gates are unlocked, you may open them, drive through, and immediately close the gate behind you.

These gates keep the general public from driving where they should not be.  It's a safety issue - recently we had a general visitor walking around Lake Allen while the ranges were active.   

If you come upon an open gate, please close it.  

The refuge staff and law enforcement appreciate your cooperation.  

Please note the "car prohibited" symbols on the signs next to the gates. Hunters are permitted to go through these gates.

Report Dead Animals, Trail Cameras, and Unexploded Ordinance (UXO).  Please report recent dead animals (deer, fox, turkey, coyotes, etc.). A picture and GPS coordinates are extremely helpful.  You can screenshot your map, compass, or GPS app.  This helps the USFWS biologist to monitor the health of the refuge animals.

Please visit and thank our sponsors!


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MNHA Hunting Control Center
200 Bald Eagle Drive
Laurel, MD 20724
