Wild Turkey Lottery Hunt

The 2025 Spring Wild Turkey Lottery Hunt will be drawn in March 2025.  Information will be provided on this page when it is available.

Below is some general information.

There are two eagle nests in the Zone 8 Millrace (MR) hunt zone.  This area is closed until further notice.

Selected hunters will be notified via email and permit numbers listed below. Hunters who see their permit number below, but do not receive an email with their confirmation letter, should check their spam folder and then email VicePresident@mnha.net.

Please read the PRR Hunting Guidelines for full details about this hunt and the alternate and standby hunter process.

This is a morning hunt from 05:00 AM to 12:00 noon.

Primary Hunters must check in to the Hunting Control Station between 05:00 AM and 05:30 AM. If you are unable to attend this hunt, please email Turkey_Hunt@mnha.net as soon as possible so your site can be reassigned to an alternate.  You may also call the HCS on Mondays and Saturdays during turkey season from 6 to 11 AM.   Primary hunters who are "no shows" the day of the hunt will be ineligible for all lottery hunts next season.

Alternate Hunters will be notified by email/phone if a site becomes available prior to the date of the hunt. If you are not contacted prior to the hunt, you may have an opportunity to participate in the turkey hunt on your assigned date. All chosen alternate hunters who present themselves at the Hunting Control Station by 05:30 AM on the day of the hunt will be given the opportunity to fill any vacant hunting spots in turn.

Standby Hunters may present themselves at the HCS by 05:30 AM on the dates of the turkey hunts. After all primary and alternate hunters have been assigned, any remaining vacant sites will be filled by eligible standby hunters. Selection of standby hunters will be by drawing.

Please bring a paper or electronic copy of your letter with you for verification on the date of the hunt.

We hope you have a safe and successful turkey hunt at Patuxent Research Refuge.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact as the email / phone listed above.

2/4/2025 - Please note that there was an error in the Hunting Calendar for Spring Turkey that affected the May dates.  The correct dates are as follow:

Youth: April 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17

General/Disabled (NT):  April 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

General (ST): April 19, 26, May 3, 10, 17

Selected Hunters by Permit Number

 If there are any errors in the lists - the lists maintained at HCS will take precedence.

This list will be updated before the 2025 Spring Turkey Hunt