
The Meade Natural Heritage Association (MNHA) is an incorporated, non-profit organization dedicated to wildlife conservation and promoting outdoor sporting activities. MNHA manages hunting activities on the PRR, which has the distinction of being one of the largest federal public-use hunting programs in the United States based on  season length and number of hunters. MNHA's members are active throughout the year to support the PRR and the hunting program. MNHA benefits wildlife,  hunters, and non-hunters at the refuge through habitat restoration, refuge clean ups and other projects.

As a volunteer organization, MNHA depends on the contributions of its members.  Without volunteers, we would not be able to provide the quality and quantity of hunting opportunities available.

MNHA Membership Benefits 

Purchase your membership at the Hunting Control Station August through January.  Become a part of the organization dedicated to sportspeople and the PRR we all enjoy. 

MNHA Membership Fees

Refuge Permits are purchased do not need to purchase a permit to be a member! 
