Board Members
MNHA Board Members are responsible for the operation and implementation of the PRR Hunting Program in cooperation and support of the FWS staff. They collaborate with the FWS to meet FWS objectives and improve the PRR Hunting Program by hiring interns for the HCS, collecting and reporting harvest data, providing hunter feedback, and reviewing the hunting guidelines.
BOARD NOMINATIONS! The board roles and duties are listed below. A download version is here.
Brian Donaldson
Mike Wasno
Vice President
Chad Wilson
Mike Fontz
Gary Hornbaker
Kyle Donaldson
Volunteer and Turkey Coordinator
Vice President, Public Relations
Vice President, Membership
MNHA Executive Board, Officers and Committee Members
Executive Board positions are held for 2 years and voted on by Members. They are President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and up to 3 Member at Large
Officers are non voted positions, Vice President of Public relations, Vice President of Membership, Volunteer Coordinator
Committee Members are non voted positions and may be, Turkey Hunting Coordinator, Waterfowl Coordinator, Bow Range Coordinator, Firearms Range Coordinator, Hunters Safety Coordinator OR any other special group working for the organization under direction and leadership of the Executive board and Officers
The purpose of this document is to define and describe the roles, responsibilities, and tasks of the members of the Meade Natural Heritage Association Executive Board (“the Board”). It is important for the board and the future board members to have a clear set of expectations.
The Board is the governing body of the MNHA. It has many responsibilities, which can be categorized as follows:
Setting the policy for the organization. This is done by:
Creating or updating MNHA goals and MOA with USFWS.
Determining the organization’s programs and services.
Reviewing Hunting regulations with USFWS.
Monitoring the organization’s operations
Hiring and periodically evaluating the organization’s HCS Managers.
Working with and providing support to the President.
Approving the annual budget, annual report, etc.
Approving major contracts, commitments, projects and grants.
Soliciting and reviewing program evaluations.
Troubleshooting as necessary.
Serving as a public figure for the organization
Advocating for the organization through meetings with USFWS, attending local programs of interest to the hunting community, etc.
Fundraising, by directly donating to the non-profit and soliciting donations from others.
Fulfilling other board responsibilities
Documenting policies and decisions to preserve organizational history.
Preparing for and attending board meetings.
Researching and discussing issues before decisions are made.
Replacing and orienting Officers when a vacancy arises.
All Officers share some duties
Take reasonable care when making decisions for the MNHA (called “duty of care”)
Act in the best interest of the MNHA (called “duty of loyalty”)
Act in accordance with the MNHA’s mission (called “duty of obedience”)
Stand aside when there is a conflict of interest (called “recusal”)
Exercise fiduciary responsibility and ensure issues brought up for vote are duly vetted and thought out prior to voting. (Avoid rubber stamp decisions.)
While the board should take the recommendations of the organization’s Officer, staff, and members into consideration, the board needs to be an independent decision-making body.
Members at Large (MAL)
As an Executive member of the Board, a MAL acts in a position of trust for the community and is responsible for the effective governance of the organization. These Members monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the MNHA through regular reviews of programs and assure that the organization is fulfilling its mission and that the program direction, plans, and financial decisions align with the MNHA’s mission, policies, and by-laws.
Knowledge and skills in one or more areas of Board governance: policy, finance, programs, and/or personnel.
Commitment to the mission of the Meade Natural Heritage Association.
MAL are elected by the membership at the Annual general meeting.
MAL serves a 2-year term and may be re-elected for one additional term.
There may be up to 3 Members at Large
A time commitment of approximately 10-30 hours per month. Includes reviewing materials for meeting preparation, board meetings, and committee meetings.
Attend monthly board meetings and important related meetings.
Makes serious commitment to participate actively in committee work.
Volunteers for and willingly accept assignments and complete them thoroughly and on time.
Stay informed about committee and MNHA matters, prepare for meetings, and review and comment on minutes and reports.
Get to know other board/committee members and build a collegial working relationship that contributes to consensus.
Participate in the annual evaluation and planning efforts.
Participate in fundraising for the organization.
Attend social functions to support organization.
Prepare for and participate in the discussions and the deliberations of the Board. Ask Questions.
Be aware and abstain from any conflict of interest.
Recommend policy to the Board.
Recruit new members to join the board and/or committees.
The president of the MNHA is accountable for leading the members of the board and making sure that the mission and vision of the organization are achieved. The President is responsible for ensuring that the Board and its members: are aware of and fulfill their governance responsibilities; comply with applicable laws and bylaws; conduct board business effectively and efficiently; and are accountable for their performance.
In order to fulfill these responsibilities, the President presides over meetings, proposes policies and practices, sits on various committees, monitors the performance of Officers, submits various reports to the board, to funders, and to other "stakeholders"; proposes the creation of committees; appoints members to such committees; and performs other duties as the need arises and/or as defined in the bylaws.
The President works closely with, while not micromanaging, the executive board. The president provides advice and acts as a sounding board.
The President shall preside at all regular membership meetings as well as meetings of the Executive Board. He/she shall automatically be a member of all committees and he/she shall instruct the standing committees in their duties. He/she shall preside over the general membership meeting in which officers are elected. He/she will prepare an annual program and present the same to the membership at the Annual membership meeting. The Vice President shall serve as an advisor to the President when that officer cannot attend. The President/Vice President will recommend new policy changes to the Executive Board.
Completed 2 years of Executive Board term and understand parliamentary procedures.
The President serves for a two-year term. Voted on in Odd years
This position is in constant contact by email and phone with USFWS staff, Executive board, Officers, Committees, other Members of the organization and General Public.
A signing authority on behalf of the Board for financial and legal purposes.
In conjunction with the Executive Board provide guidance and leadership to the Officers and Committees
Encourages Board's role in strategic planning and policy development.
Ensure that management tools are developed and implemented such as a strategic plan, annual action plans, a budget, human resources plan, etc.
Evaluates annually the performance of the organization in achieving its mission.
Helps guide and mediate Board actions with respect to organizational priorities and governance concerns.
Monitors financial planning and financial reports.
Attends monthly Executive and Monthly Board meetings.
Ensure Members receive meeting agendas and minutes in a timely manner
Report to the Board on the status of major programs.
Arrange for Vice President or other Executive Board to Chair meetings in the absence
Recruits/Appoints the chairpersons of Committees, in consultation with other Members and Board
Works with the Committees as needed, to identify potential problems/issues and helps to resolve them.
Serves ex officio as a member of committees and attends their meetings when invited.
Is a partner with the Executive Board in achieving the organization's mission
Reviews with the Executive Board any issues of concern to the Membership.
Discusses issues confronting the organization and USFWS with the Executive Board.
In conjunction with the Executive Board, formally evaluates the performance of the MNHA and informally evaluates the effectiveness of the Executive Board, Officers and Committees.
Performs other responsibilities assigned by the Board.
Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies
On a yearly basis Tasks needed to be completed may be.
January, end of year plans, Close out meeting and Intern exit interviews
February, Turkey season Lottery draw and Selectee Letter coordinations
March, Scout camping site maintenance
April, Turkey season needs and USFWS Spring fire plans
May, Review any upcoming Regulation or Hunt season changes. End of Turkey season report
June, Annual Volunteer hours Reported to USFWS
July, New permits, New Regulations, New forms ready for August sales
August, Hunt season mow plans, Intern Schedules and training, New member/permit holder info
September, Remind Range control & Barc of hunters / hunting seasons, Annual meeting plans
October, Plan for Lottery Hunt Draw, Letters and Prep Sites
November, Plan for Firearms season, Second Lottery Hunt Draw and Letters
December, End of Year Intern Coordination for close of season
The Vice President works with the President and the Members at Large as members of the Executive Board. As such, they meet monthly to review the finances, review the operational goals, and work on matters of strategic importance to the MNHA. This position is successor to the President and help develop new officers and recruit new Officers.
The Vice President shall preside at all regular membership meetings as well as meetings of the Executive Board. VP shall automatically be a member of all committees and VP shall instruct the committees in their duties. VP shall preside over the general membership meeting in which officers are elected. The Vice President may recommend new policy changes to the Executive Board.
Completed 2 years of Executive Board term and have an understanding of parliamentary procedures.
The Vice Presidents serve two year terms. Voted on in even years
Additional 5-10 hours per month to meet monthly with Executive Board
Maybe granted signing authority on behalf of the Executive Board for financial and legal purposes.
In conjunction with the Executive Board provide guidance and leadership to the Executive Board, Officers and Committees
Assist Executive Board, Officers and Committees with tasks and duties.
Chair meetings in the absence of the President.
May Chair an MNHA committee meeting
In conjunction with the Executive Board, formally evaluates the performance of the Executive Board and informally evaluates the effectiveness of the Officers and Committees
Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies.
Succeeds the President should the President leave office for any reason before the current term expires.
Work Directly with training of the Interns, Submitting of Payroll Process’ for Hunting seasons
Vice President of Membership
This Officer will work with the President, Treasurer and the Members at Large. As such, they meet monthly to review the finances, review the operational goals, and work on matters of strategic importance to the MNHA. These positions typically help develop new officers, Committees and recruit new Members.
Will Maintain a current, Yearly Membership list, to include lists of names, residences, phone numbers and email addresses. These will be kept in binders and on Desktop software
Completed 2 years of Executive Board term and have an understanding of parliamentary procedures.
This is an unvoted volunteer position
Additional 5-10 hours per month to meet monthly with Executive Board.
Work Directly with Executive Board to maintain the current members list.
Assist Executive Board with varying tasks and duties.
Chair a MNHA committee.
In conjunction with the Executive Board, In formally evaluates the performance of the Committees
Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies.
Assist with Special Pre Season Permit sale dates
Coordinate data entry of New Members, Year round
Vice President of Public Relations
This Officer will work with the President, Secretary and the Members at Large. As such, they meet monthly to review the finances, review the operational goals, and work on matters of strategic importance to the MNHA. These positions typically help develop new officers, Committees and recruit new Members.
This officer is responsible for representing the Association to the press/media. This officer will be primary contact with Federal, State and County offices whose agenda may affect the successful completion of the objectives of the organization.
Completed 2 years of Executive Board and have an understanding of parliamentary procedures.
This is an unvoted Volunteer position
Additional 5-10 hours per month to meet monthly with Executive Board.
In conjunction with the Executive Board provide guidance and leadership to the Board and Committees
Assist Board with tasks and duties.
Chair a MNHA committee.
In conjunction with the Executive Board, In formally evaluates the performance of the Committees
Enhance relationships with other community groups and agencies.
Assist with media publications, advertising and organization awareness BOTH internal and external
Assist on Pre season Permit sales dates, field questions etc
Assist with any outreach events IE, Mentored Hunts
The Secretary is responsible for keeping the minutes of meetings, the By-laws should say so; the Secretary should then realize that fulfilling this responsibility would require attendance at various meetings, or designation of someone else (if permitted by statute or By-laws) to do the job.
As to the role of minutes (and why the Secretary does that), remember that their only legal role is to serve as a record of the actions of the Board (or committee). Thus, the Secretary keeps and signs the minutes in order to represent (or swear) that the minutes are an accurate reflection of what actually happened at the meeting; the ratification of the minutes by the Board at its next meeting is a further verification that the minutes are accurate (and should not be a pro forma vote without an actual review). This role comes to light more often than you would think in litigation and in IRS or other regulatory reviews. It is extremely rare to have an official inquiry without also a review of the minutes.
Good communication and written skills.
Completed 2 years of Executive Board term
The Secretary serves a Two year term, Voted on in odd years
Additional 5-10 hours per month to meet monthly with the Executive board.
Prepare and maintain minutes and records for all monthly executive board meetings and circulate previous months minutes to all Members in attendance.
Archive minutes. To be physically held in file in Hunting control and in Software form. Available to any active member if requested and supplied in a timely manner.
Participate in and Record the discussions of the Executive Board and Members at monthly meetings
File and maintain all USFWS, corporate and legal documents
Annually review all documents.
Maintains records of the board and ensures effective management of organization's records and bylaws
Is sufficiently familiar with legal documents (articles, by-laws, IRS letters, etc.) to note applicability during meetings
Is a member of the MNHA Executive Board
The Treasurer is responsible for the financial well-being of the MNHA and ensures that the MNHA is complying with all state and federal regulations and MANO standards. The Treasurer works with and advises the Board and Committees to prepare the budget for the upcoming year. The Treasurer monitors the budget and informs the Board on a regular basis as to whether income and expense projections are within expectations. The Treasurer will receive and account for all funds input and expenditure to the Association. He/she will also manage the accounting of all membership
Completed Two years of Board membership term.
Ability to read / understand / interpret financial statements.
The Treasurer serves a Two year term. Voted on in Even Years
Additional 5-10 hours per month to meet monthly with the Executive board.
A signing authority on behalf of the Board for financial matters.
Manages finances of the organization
Provides annual budget to the board for members' approval
Ensures development and board review of financial policies and procedures
Manages Annual Audit and presents Audit Report to Board on annual basis.
Meets monthly with the MNHA bookkeeper to review bank statements, invoices, checks, etc.
Prepares monthly statements for the Board.
Act as a resource to other committees
Assist Executive Board and Officers on general business matters such as insurance, real estate, etc.
Assist Committees with Financial plans, Project costs etc
Volunteer Coordinator
The Coordinator is responsible for the appearance of the grounds of the MNHA and ensures that the MNHA is complying with all Refuge and MNHA standards. The Coordinator works with and advises the Executive board to prepare projects and budget resources needed for the upcoming year. The Coordinator monitors the Organization's Volunteer forms, Hours and informs the Executive Board on a regular basis as to whether volunteer hours and expense projections are within expectations.
Good communication and written skills.
Serves as a volunteer, Unvoted position.
Additional 10-20 hours per month to meet monthly with the Executive Board.
Organize and coordinate work need with Executive Board, Committees and Refuge staff
Keep records of Volunteer waiver forms
Monitor and submit hours worked by volunteers, Turned into the Refuge in June.
Works with Committee members to ensure Scheduling volunteers to work for Volunteer work parties, special events, range days etc
Committee Coordinators
Committee Coordinators have accepted additional responsibilities to lead a group of Members and volunteers to accomplish a goal or task of the board. The standing MNHA committees are described elsewhere. The Committee Coordinator is a critical link to the Executive Board to communicate goals, progress, and needs so that the Executive Board can support the Committee.
Knowledge and skills in one or more areas related to the committee’s function and purpose.
Committee Coordinators serve Voluntarily
Additional time commitments vary by committee and their functions.
A Committee Coordinator are not a voting member of the Board unless they have been separately elected to an Executive Board position.
Set goals for the committee and develop a work plan.
Oversees the logistics of the committee's operations.
Assigns work to the committee members, sets the agenda and runs the meetings
Ensures that members have the information needed to do their jobs.
Reports to the Executive Board progress / decisions / recommendations.
Works closely with the Executive Board, Officers and other Members as agreed to by the Executive Board.
Initiates and leads the committee's jobs